Saturday, October 30, 2010

Allo Darlin' @ Jewelbox Theatre, Seattle, October 29, 2010

Allo Darlin's debut is one of my favourite albums of the year.  It's perfect indiepop and there isn't a bad song on the album.  Elizabeth Morris sings in a lovely Australian accent (bonus points) and plays a ukelele which makes it a bit different and it makes me happy every time I listen to it (which has very frequently since I got a copy).  When they announced the Seattle show for a Friday night, I couldn't resist the opportunity to head across the border and see them live.  First off, I booked the ticket online and was very pleasantly surprised to buy it through Brown Paper Ticketing - a fair trade ticketing company.  Bear in mind that I buy lots of tickets and I reckon that about 25% of the fees go to Ticketmaster (which in my mind about an evil a corporation as they come), so when Brown Paper Tickets offered me the option to select which charity a proceed of the sales went to, I was pretty shocked.  Bands/Promoters/Booking Agents ... there is another way.  But I digress,  Allo' Darlin were terrific fun live.  There's a wonderful energy to their songs and the enthusiasm of the band is infectious ... they were having a great time and so was the crowd.  Allo Darlin' don't use a booking agent and do all of their booking themselves - apparently the head of their record company took out a new credit card so they could afford the short U.S tour that brought them to Seattle.  If there's any justice in the musical world, it'll prove to be a very wise investment.  Allo' Darlin are fantastic and were a stunning way to end a pretty amazing month of live music for me.

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